Mining into a green future

Mining into a green future

Structural change. The book "Quo vadis Mansfeld" provides a scientific view of the opportunities for the district 

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung from 26.01.2023 / Page 15 (Local) / Sangerhausen / Stubert, J.:

Mining in Mansfeld-Südharz lasted for around 800 years. Now this epochal legacy should also point the way to the future. At least that is what the authors of the book "Quo vadis Mansfeld" agree on. 

In the 257-page book, which is now on sale, a number of renowned scientists and employees of the former Mansfeld combine have come together to "show ways of overcoming the ongoing structural weakness resulting from the closure of the Mansfeld copper mining and smelting operations in 1990," says Lutz Koch, former deputy general director of the Mansfeld combine and project manager of the book. In other words: Can the geothermal use of mine water and the economic utilization of previously unmined copper deposits or the existing raw materials from mining and smelting processes contribute to achieving climate protection goals and strengthening the region? For the authors, including Stefan Kreisel, Reinhard Marek, Horst Zobel, Dr. Koch and Professors Gregor Borg, Christoph Gauert and Matthias Hoffmann, this is conceivable.